1 信じて仰ぎみる There's a land that is fairer than day,
はるかなるふるさと, And by faith we can see it afar,
主の備えたまいし For the Father waits over the way,
永遠の住まいあり。 To prepare us a dwelling place there,
やがてわれも, In the sweet by and by,
輝くみ御国にて we shall meet on that beautiful shore;
きよき民と In the sweet by and by,
共にみ前に立たん。 We shall meet on that beautiful shore.
2 主の愛わきあふれ, We shall sing on that beautiful shore
祝福身に余る The melodious songs of the blest;
過ぎにしわが日々は And our spirits shall sorrow no more
すべて主のあわれみ。 Not a sigh for the blessing of rest.
3 悩みも悲しみも To our bountiful Father above
ことごとく消えゆき, We will offer our tribute of praise,
わが胸に満つるは For the glorious gift of His love
神の賜う平和。 And the blessings that hallow our days.
4 み恵みに感謝し み名をほめたたえて,
み国に入る日にも 声の限り歌わん。
イザ35:10, ヨハ14:1-2, ヤコ2:5, 黙21:23