1 主よ,わが助けよ, O God, our help in ages past,
いつの世にも Our hope for years to come,
あらしの中なる Our shelter from the stormy blast,
わが隠れ家。 And our eternal home!
2 ただ強き み手に Under the shadow of Thy throne
支えられて Thy saints have dwelt secure;
みつばさの かげに Sufficient is Thine arm alone,
宿るわれら。 And our defense is sure.
3 天地創造の Before the hills in order stood,
その前より Or earth received her frame,
かわりなき神は From everlasting Thou art God,
とこしえなり。 To endless years the same.
4 われらの いのちは Time, like an ever rolling stream,
はかなきもの Bears all its sons away,
朝露のごとく They fly, forgotten, as a dream
消え去るなり。 Dies at the opening day.
5 わが日を正しく O god, our help in ages past,
数えさせて, Our hope for years to come,
知恵ある心を Be Thou our guide while life shall last,
得させたまえ。 And our eternal home.
詩90, 57:2 申33:27a, ヤコ1:9-11