「讃美歌21」 186番


 1 エジプトのイスラエルに  When Israel was in Egypt's land;
     解放を!          Let my people go,
     苦しむわが民を      Oppressed so hard they could not stand,
     解き放て!         Let my people go.

     行け,モーセ,       Go down, Moses,
     告げよ,ファラオに。   Way down in Egypt's land,
     わが民を          Tell ole Pharaoh,
     解き放て!         Let my people go.

   2 「カナンを目指して     No more shall they in bondage toil,
     進み行け!         Let my people go,
     モーセに導かれて     Let them come out with Egypt's spoil,
     進み行け!」        Let my people go.

   3 束縛をすべて       O let us all from bondage flee,
     打ち砕け。         Let my people go,
     自由になろう,       And let us all in Christ be free,
     今,イェスにより。     Let my people go.

  ヘブ11:23-27, 出3:7-12, 4:21-23 
